Jungle Comics #21
"The Adventures of Zan the Jungle Lord" (Giuseppe Pederiali, Roberto Renzi, and Bruno Marraffa), "Malika" (Dara Naraghi, Andy Bennett)"The Adventures of Zan the Jungle Lord" (Giuseppe Pederiali, Roberto Renzi, and Bruno Marraffa): King Sukar intends to make Sinda his wife as she resists his advances. However, if she does not do as is told, she will meet a horrible fate. Meanwhile, Zan sneaks into the city but confronts a monster ape. "Malika" (Dara Naraghi, Andy Bennett): The Congo Free State, 1895. A nation privately owned by King Leopold II of Belgium, its people and resources exploited for his personal coffers. But there is a native protector of this land, as beautiful and deadly as the jungle that bore her: Malika, Jungle Queen.